Mathieu Clatin

Hi! I’m Matt, welcome to my design portfolio! Feel free to send me an email if you have any queries.

  1. Vanderlust
  2. Discipline
  3. Zealandia
  4. OddBall
  5. Kororā


Instagram. mathieu_clatin_design

©2024 Mathieu Clatin

P003 → Zealandia Rebrand

Taking the core values of Zealandia and using them to create a fresh new brand identity. We want to utilise the past to inform the future, taking Zealandia 500 year plan of restoring the land to prehuman and bringing that to the forefront of our design strategy. We used arrows to tie the past, present and future together and create a cohesive brand narrative across a multitude of mediums. 

Collaborators includeJoel Lawrence and Danny Adams

Poster, website, brochure and social media design